Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Laugh for a Minute Every Day - It Is Funny!

We all are familiar with that fun is the best solutions to cure our lifestyle. Laughter has actual, psychological and public advantages, like enhancing the defense mechanisms, reducing suffering, reducing pressure, enhancing feelings, building up connections, bringing in others to us, and much more. If everybody knows the advantages of fun and everybody has the capability to chuckle, and it is FREE (in now of financial crisis!!), why don't we chuckle every day? Demands are in our lifestyle every day. We are too fast paced to chuckle. We are in such a hurry that we ignore to grin. Life needs some severity, but this doesn't mean don't chuckle at all, don't have fun with the factors we do every day. Maybe you need authorization from yourself -and others- to chuckle. Maybe you need to do it again an affirmation: "It is okay for me to chuckle and have fun." I lately found that spontaneity is a very excellent way to cure my body program. For at the first try in my lifestyle I had a serious coughing and I couldn't rest for three periods in a row; yes, I was getting natural homemade solutions and some solutions. The first evening I tried to concentrate my thoughts on sensation very excellent, duplicating my statements and affirmations.
The second evening I tried very difficult to cure myself using my thoughts -I'm very stubborn- I had a unusual body program detachment where I could see my body program in my bed and I was battling with some power people around me. It was terrifying, and it didn't help a lot with my hacking and coughing. Lastly the third evening -the toughest one- I was hacking and coughing more and more. I had problems respiration. My pressure created the hacking and coughing more intense. It was the 3:00 am in the nighttime and I was creating insane goes, training (easy), moving and giggling of myself. I recalled the most hilarious and most joyful time of my lifestyle. I created the decision to chuckle instead of cry. It really assisted me a lot. I found that humoring myself, even in the challenging time, allows me a lot. "It is your potential to chuckle at yourself that allows you to come through the challenging periods," says John Merc. I didn't keep in thoughts this when I was tired, but I used it well -maybe my unconscious did it! It is excellent to discuss your uncomfortable minutes. Everybody has them! Can you keep in thoughts any excellent ones about you? I still keep in thoughts when I missing underneath of my swimwear on the seaside. That was embarrassing!

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